ΙΤΑ was founded in 1988 focusing on energy and environmental applications. Capitalizing on the expertise and experience of its founders and collaborators, the firm rapidly achieved a pioneering status in the field of renewable energy in Greece.

Today, ΙΤΑ Group of companies is also a leader in the field of cogeneration of heat and power (CHP), while also being active in other business fields akin to energy and the environment in Greece and abroad.

Fields of Activity

ΙΤΑ Group is involved in a wide range of applications relating to energy and the environment, such as:


Renewable Energy

  • wind energy
  • solar PV & solar thermal
  • biomass and biofuels
  • geothermal
  • small hydroelectric
  • smart autonomous grids w/storage
  • offgrid hybrid systems
  • desalination with the use of wind energy
  • natural gas
  • high efficiency cogeneration of heat and power
    • district heating - cooling
    • state-of-the-art greenhouses
    • dehydration plants
  • treatment of solid & liquid wast


More information can be found on the website of ITA Group.